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enlarge one’s house
将房子扩大  detail>>
enlarge a house
扩建房屋  detail>>
enlarge one’s mailbox
扩大信箱  detail>>
this one is on the house
这杯我请客  detail>>
 vt.  1.扩大,扩展,扩充;增大;【摄影】放大。 2.〔美国〕〔古语〕释放。 enlarge one's views by reading 以读书来开扩眼...  detail>>
enlarge on
详述  detail>>
four generations in one house
四代同堂  detail>>
one arrives at the house of
‘never’.拖延因循, 一事无成。  detail>>
one person house-hold
单身户  detail>>
one price house
不二价商店  detail>>
one storey house
单层房屋  detail>>
one white house official
一位白宫官员  detail>>
one-house show
经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业  detail>>
one-room house
一室户住宅  detail>>
one-story house,bungalow
平房  detail>>
earning a house by one’s own sweat
个人买房  detail>>
one publishing house was closed down
一家出版社被封闭了  detail>>
i am the one wearing pants in the house
我当家  detail>>